In my case Parkinson escorted the agents into my office at the finance committee.
It rang again, she listened, and escorted him into the managing partner's office.
When the wife and son arrived, Kamil escorted them into his private office.
Hulan put an arm around the young woman, said a few soothing words, and escorted her into David's office.
All day long, men had been escorted into the manager's office.
He didn't think so when the guard escorted him back into the colonel's office.
He was escorted by the Military Police into the Colonel's office.
They were met outside the main administration building by a tired-looking British major who escorted them into his office.
The secretary rose from her chair, greeted the senior executive and escorted him into d'Amacourt's office.
A few relatives and friends were quickly escorted into the police chief's office.