Of uncertain provenance, it is on two tablets, one of which covers 8 columns and more than 350 lines, and including much esoteric detail concerning the temple and its rituals.
The more esoteric details of these concepts are left for later courses when the diver has gained practical knowledge and experience beyond the entry level.
"It would be better for the High Priestess to discuss the more esoteric details of your position with you."
It has a simple, practical approach to ethics, lacking any esoteric details.
According to campaign aides, Angelides was said to have micromanaged his campaign, down to minute and esoteric details such as paper shredders and the color of briefing papers.
Periods of normal science provide the opportunity for scientists to develop the esoteric details of a theory.
Luckily for those eager to parade these esoteric details, the summer months provide many opportunities for doffing coats and displaying linings.
"This is not some esoteric little detail over which there is huge uncertainty," he said.
Anyone involved in a legal dispute wants airtight assurance that his or her information is strictly reliable and current and includes esoteric but crucial details (even how a judge capitalizes and italicizes words).
Mr. Daniel did not hesitate to telephone The Times's society news desk to set the chaps there straight on esoteric details of British fox-hunting garb.