I admit that I never received much training in the esoteric mental disciplines, and certainly I have never melded with a human before.
Besides, I have always enjoyed meeting new practitioners of my esoteric discipline, about which prevail more false notions than about any other field.
During the 1990s, Esteban retreated from the music business and studied esoteric disciplines including Theosophy and Sufism.
Colleagues said his early work had laid the foundation for advances in graph theory and in esoteric disciplines.
Falsafah was one such esoteric discipline.
Some Jews turned to mysticism and developed the esoteric discipline of Kabbalah, as we shall see.
Theirs was an esoteric discipline, handed on from master to disciple: they called it Kabbalah or inherited tradition.
Gurdjieff called his method the Fourth Way, as distinguished from the three common esoteric disciplines: the way of the fakir, the monk, the yogi.
Cooking was the most esoteric discipline I practiced or believed in.
So Cooper wrestles and teaches his esoteric discipline, even in what has been a difficult year.