The monks lived a strictly contemplative life in which work on books and manuscripts was of especial importance.
All three had been doing routine laboratory work in metallurgy of no especial importance.
Perhaps of especial importance for the liberating influence of the educationalists was their emphasis upon natural play and its functional status in the child's development.
The weakening of party and the creation of a strong committee system are seen as of especial importance in this regard.
She did not look upon the chests of gold bars that Tom had foisted on her as being of especial importance.
The lack of codification is of especial importance.
Indeed, their use of common law has been of especial importance in outlining and protecting certain rights of the individual.
Let me conclude with data protection, a point which is of especial importance to me.
We are aware of the most especial importance of this issue of economic partnership agreements with Africa and with developing countries generally.
In the measures relating to justice, we attach especial importance to the mutual acceptance of verdicts in civil and criminal cases.