Of this, however, I was not aware; although, in the present instance, I saw clearly that something of a whimsical nature was upon the tapis with my friend, and that Hermann was its especial object.
Quoth the King: "Thou art excused, O youth, so look upon me as thy guest come hither on an especial object.
He found his greatest adversary in Daniel O'Connell, to whom Norbury was "an especial object of abhorrence".
He did not believe, however, that the monster would try to invade Vyones, the especial object of Nathaire's hatred and malice, before the following day.
The clergy were especial objects of his ridicule and persecution.
"For three years they had fired off their guns in Italy only because war was going on, and not for any especial object - only to satisfy their consciences."
His philanthropy was extensive, the Josefstädter Kinderbewahranstalt, founded by his father, being an especial object of his benevolence.
The studio was only a block from Toleman's, and there seemed to be no especial object in reaching it ahead of time.
While the goddess was thus employed in the labors of the toilet, behold Actaeon, having quitted his companions, and rambling without any especial object, came to the place, led thither by his destiny.
The reader must see, that the especial object of this work leads me neither to explain these reasons, nor to decide in their favour, nor against them.