Tralee's entry to the competition proved especially fruitful when they won successive titles in 1997, 1998 and '99.
The Prophet Incarnate, being especially holy, is required to be especially fruitful.
In fact the collaboration with Barnes was especially fruitful.
Especially fruitful was Gold's relationship with the illustrator Bob Peak.
The late 1960s and early 1970s were especially fruitful years for theatre in Toronto.
When the martenitsa is taken off some tie it to a tree - one that they'd like to be especially fruitful.
Viola players began the 1970s decade with Scudetto sewed on their breast, but the period was not especially fruitful for the team.
The thing with the hair has been especially fruitful for us.
His association with writer Jon Robin Baitz has been especially fruitful.
Terminological research started seventy years ago and was especially fruitful at the last forty years.