This is especially informative for pre-2.0 subscribers, and anyone having problems with setup, billing, and that kind of stuff.
Other than insisting that he was alive and more or less intact, which conclusion he had already reached independent of mechanical confirmation, the readouts were not especially informative.
Here is a pie chart that is especially informative.
Bernstein's longtime correspondence with Aaron Copland is especially informative.
Her comments are especially informative and to the point.
"The Rise and Fall of the American Left" is especially informative about the differences between leaders of the left and their aims in the 20th century.
The pronounced relief of the model gives an especially informative view of the role gravity plays in the water supply.
Rob didn't think the old inscription was especially informative.
John Whitting acquired Palestinian items directly from the owners and noted down the provenance of each, thereby making the collection especially informative.
Several are not especially informative.