That unfortunate method of debate is especially regrettable if the accuser's assertions are also open to question.
Nowhere is the link between ethics and art more direct than in ink landscape paintings, making the absence of such material from "The Arts of China" especially regrettable.
That makes it especially regrettable that a pioneering, and risky, effort to do something more has slipped onto the airways with so little notice.
It was necessary, and not especially regrettable.
This failure to guide the audience is especially regrettable because Mr. Appelt's challenging art cuts across familiar genres.
There are casualties among civilians, which is especially regrettable.
It is especially regrettable that election night was marred by violence, which I strongly condemn.
Especially regrettable in one so young.
"The Bostonians," with its sniggering portrait of a feminist, is especially regrettable.
This is especially regrettable because Donoho's career demonstrates a transitional phase in American landscape painting that is worth noting.