Lee and Boyce made an agreement to evenly split the profits from the espionage ring.
It seems very much like a secret espionage ring of some description.
He then became the head of an espionage ring, and was captured by the hero Giant-Man.
They're from some kind of espionage ring, and they got in here illegally.
This left Tayloe in charge of a secret espionage ring in the city, it is claimed.
That was the term for a nest, a clandestine espionage ring.
Concealing an espionage ring under the cover of a love affair.
All were previously evicted from the United States for being part of a German espionage ring.
Myra received a 5 year prison sentence for her role in the espionage ring.
The American public was warned of a vast atomic espionage ring; eight people were arrested.