It was a clever wheeze, great fun to work, and it probably succeeded in neutralizing the German espionage threat.
President Clinton has said he acted quickly upon learning of the espionage threat at the Government's weapons labs, ordering tightened security measures in February 1998.
The software covers a variety of topics including (but not limited to): protecting classified information, foreign espionage threats and methods, and computer vulnerabilities.
All training programs enhance the understanding of both foreign intelligence and espionage threats and countermeasures, and educate employees on the foreign intelligence environment.
But new concerns have been raised because the Army chaplain, Capt. James J. Yee, had been seen with at least two other people under surveillance as espionage threats, a military officer said today.
Despite the debate over the proposed reorganization, there is widespread agreement among senior officials that the government has failed to keep pace with the rapidly changing espionage threats faced by the United States in a post-cold-war, information-age era.
The review represents the first time the three agencies have collaborated on a systematic assessment of espionage threats.
AFOSI identifies, investigates and neutralizes criminal, terrorist, and espionage threats to personnel and resources of the Air Force and Department of Defense.
Mr. Trulock has praised Mr. Richardson's handling of the espionage threat since taking office last fall, but he has criticized the Energy Secretary's predecessor, Federico Pena, for not moving more aggressively.
Lawmakers in both political parties have held Ms. Reno responsible for failing to aggressively respond to the espionage threat, accusing her of bungling the investigation of the suspect, Wen Ho Lee, a Los Alamos scientist who has been dismissed but not charged with any crime.