The intelligence agency is institutionally wary of espionage trials that could reveal sources and methods the agency employs.
In its day, no court proceeding was more celebrated or scrutinized than the espionage trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg.
But the Iranian government's handling of the espionage trial has sent a different message.
He testified at the 2003 espionage trial of Song Du-yul.
Judge Lacey had the rare experience of presiding over an espionage trial, and he was picked.
He was found guilty of spying for the Soviets at his 1951 espionage trial), and sentenced to 30 years in prison.
The espionage trial of the Rosenbergs prompted an international furor that their execution in 1953 did not still.
Cohn played a prominent role in the 1951 espionage trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
Steimer's old comrades from her 1917 espionage trial had various fates.
When we start hearing about Jews being arrested and espionage trials, this is a very worrying sign.