The Crusades and their sources: essays presented to Bernard Hamilton ed.
Sub-juries will be formed for each language, with a maximum of 49 essays presented to the final jury, which will pick the winners in October 1999.
Kathegetria: essays presented to Joan Hussey for her 80th birthday (1988)
In Welsh society and nationhood: historical essays presented to Glanmor Williams, ed.
Essays in Canadian history: presented to George Mackinnon Wrong for his eightieth birthday.
This book, a compilation of essays presented at three apexart Conferences, offers a unique perspective of international viewpoints of the changing cultural landscape.
Essays on Islamic civilization: presented to Niyazi Berkes.
In Essays Presented to Charles Williams.
Arabia and its neighbours: essays on prehistorical and historical developments presented in honour of Beatrice de Cardi.
In Freedom and Experience: Essays presented to H. M. Kallen, ed.