With what they earn, women buy rice, the staple food, other essential foodstuff and a variety of luxury items.
It is said to have in the most part benefited the health of the country, through the 'levelling of consumption of essential foodstuffs'.
A different approach to MDA consists of adding an antimalarial to an essential foodstuff, usually salt.
It was stocked with essential foodstuffs to enable those stranded to survive until rescuers arrived.
In fall, pine nuts from the piñon trees in the hills were an essential foodstuff.
The biochemical community was in the process of demonstrating the chemical reactions involved in breakdown of foodstuffs essential for growth.
On Saturday morning, I went out to buy some essential foodstuffs.
"Per emergency protocols," the machine explained, "this unit can only fill requests for essential foodstuffs."
There are shortages of essential foodstuffs and agricultural infrastructure resulting in severe nutritional deficiencies.
With a small sales area, these mini-stores offer basic essential foodstuffs.