The balance-of-payments problem plainly cannot be reduced to one of 'how to pay for essential imports'.
The draft contained a foreign exchange component of US$5,000 million for essential imports.
Its coal production has fallen and it lacks foreign exchange to buy oil or other essential imports.
Thus, decline in trade made it difficult to pay for essential imports and such items ceased to be imported.
'Yugoslav' solution to the problem of paying for their essential imports.
Haiti, the poorest country in the hemisphere, has only enough foreign exchange on hand to meet essential imports for the next month.
The funds are needed not only for essential imports but also for shoring up the national currency.
Other bands harked back to English-language rock from decades past, making them less essential imports.
The government is still supplying hard currency for essential and other key imports.
To avoid defaults, most nations cut back essential imports, reduced government spending and saw growth evaporate.