It essentially concluded that he worked inhuman hours - days, nights, weekends - and cleared him.
The Court essentially concluded that by "denying these children a basic education, we deny them the ability to live within the structure of our civil institutions."
He pored over case law and buttonholed academics, he said, before concluding essentially that no one is above the law.
The Tower Board essentially concluded that the problem in this so-called Iran-contra affair was that the normal processes had been ignored, and that is largely true.
He has said in interviews that he believed both novels to be two parts of the same story, which essentially concludes the story of House Atreides.
At the end of the day, Dr. Reiner issued a statement through the White House that essentially concluded that Mr. Cheney had a bad cold.
The debates between Bohr and Einstein essentially concluded in 1935, when Einstein finally expressed what is widely considered his best argument against the completeness of quantum mechanics.
"This essentially concludes all outstanding issues associated with the spill," Mr. Hall said.
The decision essentially concludes a case that might have proved divisive in the days when Rap Brown was urging street violence and Atlanta was dominated by a white establishment.
Church law bars divorce in all cases but allows for annulment, a process that essentially concludes a marriage considered invalid in the first place.