He is essentially performing the function of a studio all by himself.
Remarkably, these operations continue to be performed today essentially in the same form described by Dandy.
Now only there is about 200 employees who perform essentially research and monitoring activities in the area of cocoa cultivation.
He did not realize that he had been essentially performing an audition.
The surgeon essentially performs a practice operation on the film, which makes a visual recording of his motions.
The commandos and the public order brigades essentially perform the same job, and will soon be combined as members of the "national police."
Despite being commonly known as sweep picking, both hands essentially perform an integral motion in unison to achieve the desired effect.
The three-dimensional seismic technology that essentially performs ultrasound on the earth clearly is a mixed blessing, both industry and environmental critics say.
Electrophoretic mobility shift assays were performed essentially as previously described (34).
Data's sophisticated positronic brain performed essentially the same functions as an organic human brain.