Ned is distraught that Theo hasn't returned with any new work, as well as that he essentially stole his girlfriend as well.
For example, he essentially steals his company's resources to move his filming location to the mysterious Skull Island.
The foundation argues the practice essentially steals the interest from the clients, an illegal taking of personal property under the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
This is a zero sum game and if you and I are 'piggy backed' they are essentially stealing from us with the connivance of the exchange.
He was later given a more "Robin Hood"-like persona and was shown stealing essentially from criminals, in order to soften the series' violence and amorality.
Allowing it to continue at 4-5% for such lengthy durations is essentially stealing from savers, pensioners and ordinary workers' salaries.
Its time we protected our own markets and stopped the Chinese from essentially stealing from the world!
When the ball crosses the plate the runner breaks for second base, and is essentially stealing the base on the middle infielders who have not covered second base.
In achieving this end, his financial council essentially stole money from subjects under the pretext of various taxes and fees.
Andrea Kay, a career consultant in Cincinnati, said that using company resources to make personal phone calls, work on e-mail messages or make photocopies is essentially stealing.