As such, Mind is essentially synonymous with what behavioral psychologists have meant when they use the term behavior.
The two terms "human factors" and "ergonomics" are essentially synonymous.
Maximum throughput is essentially synonymous to digital bandwidth capacity.
The term process automation is essentially synonymous with process control.
Isomorphous when used in relation to crystal structures is essentially synonymous.
Prónay's name is essentially synonymous with the cruelty of the worst White Terror reprisals.
That this is so can be seen in the fact that the following pairs of sentences are essentially synonymous:
The confusion may be a factor in topographies having become confused with terrain or relief, such that they are essentially synonymous.
It is essentially synonymous with Moor Allerton, and institutions in the area use either name.
Today, the two words are essentially synonymous in terms of what they imply about training and duties.