Zubov, however, contrived to establish a strong hold of Catherine's affections and character.
Through this method he eventually established a dominant and almost monopolistic hold on the copper trade in Central Europe.
We should move north into these Mountains of Mist and establish a hold.
He saw them as educated, learnt men who could help him establish a stronger political hold in the region through economic power.
Entry into the Land lies long in the past, and the task has become one of establishing a secure hold upon it.
The disease from which he suffered, a lung complaint, had, however, established a firm hold on him.
Ashcroft told us that he established a "hold until cleared" policy because of the high rate of flight from deportation proceedings.
From laptop to mainframe, computers have established a firm hold on the business of politics.
So far, neither major party has established a firm hold on that swing group.
Having established a hold on Equilan, the elves had all the land they wanted.