When the convention was over, the membership had established a new structure for the administration.
In mid September 1948, the church established a separate structure for the school.
A. I would establish over time a new structure, between 8 and 15 enlarged school districts.
In 1779 the state established a formal naval administrative structure, but by then most of its ships had been lost.
Politically, its goal was to establish structures that would effectively allow the people to express their political will.
They established a theocratic political structure that survived with some intervals until modern times.
Their recommendation to the governing body was not to establish a structure of sub-committees.
It does, however, represent a step towards establishing a new international structure based on respect for fundamental rights and political freedoms.
Cooperation in establishing regional structures will also benefit the environmental situation, which is currently a cause for considerable concern.
In practically all the candidate countries there is still the need to establish and reinforce structures that will make the social dialogue a reality.