She eyes him for a while, establishing, in her own mind, that she has the boy's attention and that he is not going anywhere.
The Principle of Superiority did not seem to be well established in his mind yet.
The supposed actions that had taken place in the room were well established in Wentworth's mind.
She had wanted to sound strong and calm as she tried to establish herself in his mind as a person to be respected.
He had spent long months establishing clearly in his mind just what it was the two sides wanted from this meeting.
So it was easy to establish in his mind the circumstance of Schuhmacher's absence.
If corporate America understood its long-term interest, it would use this unique moment to establish in the public's mind the principle that business can be trusted.
All that was most firmly established in her mind was rocking.
As Reich had planned, the song established itself firmly in his mind and echoed again and again all the way down to the street.
This had banished Xzorsh's doubts and established her in his mind as a friend to be trusted.