In 2010 a proposal to establish a fish farm off Canna was defeated in a residents' ballot, even though it would have created a number of new jobs.
Mr. Abrams's office is drafting a bill to establish a three-day cooling off period in which callers can cancel orders made through a "540" service.
But more than that, Fry established a winning tradition at Iowa, on and off the field.
Over 100 specialised buildings were constructed across the site, linked by an extensive rail network established around a spur off the Chester to Denbigh mainline.
He established camp near the Normans on the shore of the Ocean in the middle off the night.
After signing a peace treaty with Morocco, Preble established a blockade off Tripoli.
The Basque established their secret sacred fishing grounds off the coast of Newfoundland twelve hundred years back.
The partnership dissolved and Levestam established his own engineering concern off Collingwood Street.
In 1954, the federal government established a secure research facility at Plum Island, off Long Island, to develop vaccines.
She established an Olympic record of 1:05.17, just eight-hundredths of a second (0.08) off her global standard.