As outsiders, it has taken time for panel members to learn the company and establish oversight, an experience likely to hold true in the Coke settlement.
It's time for Congress or an outside commission to investigate our nation's biodefense program and establish oversight.
Laws establishing Congressional oversight of intelligence activities are relatively new.
They helped to make Pennsylvania "among the 22 states that established outside oversight of ethical conduct and/or disclosure requirements of legislators in the post-Watergate 1970's."
Establishes acquisition strategies and oversight of procurement activities and contracts.
The Personal Data Privacy and Security Act of 2007 would establish basic oversight and accountability.
The purpose of the bill was to formally establish congressional oversight into correcting the problems identified at the cemetery.
The Assembly speaker, Sheldon Silver, has proposed a nonprofit agency that would make grants and establish oversight of the research.
The goal, they said, was simply to establish better oversight of the tax collection bureaucracy.
Congress responded to this program by enacting the Wyden amendment, establishing both Congressional oversight and a reporting requirement.