"We have established safeguards to insure that our major actions and decisions are subject to the most searching and rigorous internal scrutiny," he said.
In the court system, the Defenders have established legal safeguards for native wildlife and have fought efforts to reverse environmental protections.
Representative Johnson said she preferred the Senate bill because it established stronger safeguards than the House measure.
The Governor's proposal establishes several safeguards that he said would protect the rights of students.
Congress, fearful of a return to depression, sought to establish preemptive safeguards against economic downturn.
The Cuban government has established safeguards designed to ensure that tourism and other development do not result in significant environmental impacts.
I suspect she wanted to establish safeguards against a palace revolution.
In coming to terms with those scandals, the companies that fared best with consumers and advertisers were fast to face their problems and establish safeguards.
The new agency established safeguards against tax evasion and helped to stem the drain on the state's tax revenue.
Next, he established safeguards to protect Trilda from interlopers during his absence.