The company says the hotels will make up for the lack of an established chain of budget lodgings in Finland.
This unit has been lifted from any established chain of command.
I had no history with the place, an offshoot of an established chain in Peru and Chile making its first foray onto North American soil.
The imperial system of government was well established by the time Barbarossa came to the throne, with the established chain of command already described.
Are there factions operating without recourse to the established chain of command?
But they operate well outside an established chain of command.
As part of the crew of this ship, Chekov belonged there in the established chain of command during nonemergency duty.
By the 1900s it was an established chain with marble-topped counters.
"Your brother simply refuses to accept the established chain of command," Olan said flatly to Mahon.
Iraqi Army units have an established chain of command and esprit de corps.