The primitive notion of heat was taken as empirically established, especially through calorimetry regarded as a subject in its own right, prior to thermodynamics.
This effect is well established empirically and is dealt with by all modern versions of the standard associative model.
Both the Hausner ratio and the Carr index are sometimes criticized, despite their relationships to flowability being established empirically, as not having a strong theoretical basis.
"The positive effect of wealth on health has been established both theoretically and empirically," the budget office said in a letter last week to the Labor Department announcing its decision.
This was established empirically before Bohr presented his model.
This social tactic leads to the idea that linguistic deficit has been established empirically.
The relationship between eV, eVr, and eVee depends on the medium the scattering takes place in, and must be established empirically for each material.
It is so invariant that it can be considered an empirically established natural law.
No full social analysis of avant-garde movements has yet, to my knowledge, been undertaken, and many of the relevant facts have still to be empirically established.
Neither its fat-burning effects in humans nor any potential side effects have been empirically established.