The company wants to work only with established producers, although it will feature programs from companies like that are edited selections of the best amateur videos.
Most form partnerships with established producers, who can open doors, handle the day-to-day operations and convey the necessary gravitas.
This has been criticized as being a legally sanctioned price fixing mechanism to guarantee profits and discourage price competition, thus protecting established major producers.
As an established producer ("Suspect" is among his credits), he will probably get his bond and the money to make his movie.
Warner Bros. was unsure how to marked the group's material and sent the group to work with more established producers with mixed to negative results.
Shortly after the arrival of the new millennium, Yinon had become an established producer in Israel.
Songwriters who became established producers of successful songs were hired to be on the staff of the music houses.
It might be thought that there is not much need for R&T by an established producer of bulk commodities.
This short won some awards and put Mormando on the map as an established producer and director.
As a songwriter and engineer, he has worked with a number of other established producers.