The True Democrats have as their objective the overthrow of the present government and the establishment of a democratic regime.
He rose to full member in February 1948, after the establishment of a communist regime.
After the war, the Soviet army remained in Romania, backing the establishment of a communist regime.
After the establishment of a communist regime, Dumbravă's work, with its monarchist connections, was removed from the literary canon.
The show trial, signaling the suppression of opposition groups, was a significant step towards the establishment of a communist regime in Romania.
This act was in direct violation of the Constitution and led to the establishment of an authoritarian regime.
Does the Council support an internationally monitored referendum on the establishment of a democratic regime in Iran?
The establishment of a regime of 'imitation democracy' in today's Russia is connected precisely with this.
The outcome of the civil war was a victory for the right wing forces and the establishment of a military regime under Franco.
This marked the final establishment of a Communist regime in Bulgaria.