Initially established in 1990 as San Miguel's corporate real estate arm.
The real estate arm of Gulf Atlantic bought 1 City Place.
It has received such attention, in fact, that Equitable's real estate arm now commissions art as a matter of course.
Next door are about four dozen two-family homes that the church's real estate arm is helping to build with city and state housing dollars.
In 2005 the family sold these two real estate arms to revive Brookfield Properties for $2.1 billion.
Recently, Morgan Stanley's real estate arm invested $152 million for a reported 10% stake.
"Both teams have real estate arms who put in an enormous amount of work on what the leases are worth," Mr. Smith said.
Trinity, the real estate arm of Trinity church, is one the largest property owners in the area.
In addition to retail, the group has a real estate arm.
While the museum is selling symbols, the authority's real estate arm seems to be selling the subway itself.