It specializes in lending to medium-size companies and real estate buyers.
It remains true that an unrepresented real estate buyer can still call the sellers agent to arrange a showing of the property.
I sold the house for $10,000.00 through a real estate buyer.
Japanese investors have been aggressive real estate buyers in several major cities, including Los Angeles and New York.
The population of Holland remained small (estimated at 300 in 1912) until the 1920s when a significant number of real estate buyers were attracted.
FOR all of the deal's accolades, it also illuminates the financial leaps of faith that real estate buyers are increasingly taking.
Real estate buyers run checks on sellers to see whether a divorce or other legal matter might be creating pressure to sell.
She said this was work she once did herself as a real estate buyer but stopped because she said her conscience bothered her.
But, possibilities aside, it is certain that Commercial Credit is in the business of lending money to real estate buyers and consumers.
With gentrification sweeping many parts of the city, investors and institutions were eager to lend to real estate buyers.