One real estate saleswoman, who refused to be identified because she ultimately might want to sell the shipboard condos, called them "a joke."
Her mother, Joan Shipman, is a real estate saleswoman at Country Properties in Rye.
Her mother is a real estate saleswoman in Cohassett for Hunneman & Company/Coldwell Banker.
As Leni Roberts, she had been a model, before becoming a successful real estate saleswoman in her own right.
After graduating from high school, she worked as a dental assistant and real estate saleswoman.
I shall refrain from heaping scorn on the values of the society decorators and real estate saleswomen portrayed.
His mother is a real estate saleswoman with Rutledge Homes in Wellesley.
Miss Vetchling," he pecked carefully, "the car we noticed belongs to a very pleasant real estate saleswoman, so we needn't worry further about it.
He said he had occupied the evening in the company of his mistress, Patricia Oberman, a real estate saleswoman.
Her mother is a real estate saleswoman with Little Silver (N.J.) Realty.