It was after sunset; Brent and his esteemed guest had both taken to the marsh.
He had sent them to Ironbridge a few days ago, and now they returned with an esteemed guest, someone Kamoj had no desire to see.
Meanwhile, Castenago, with Peridor seated at his right, was doing everything to honor his esteemed guest.
Normally, that is extra, but due to the rank of our esteemed guest, why not?
Of course, this could also be seen as a sort of embarrassment on Gedron's part that the innkeeper won't answer the door for his esteemed guest.
This left Civil duty-bound to escort his slighted mother as they followed their esteemed guest and his prey into the dining hall.
"So for the benefit of our esteemed guest, I will say what must be said in both languages."
It is offered at special occasions, such as the arrival of esteemed guests to the community or the ceremony of the diablitos.
After all this detailed explication . . . to have the esteemed guest ask what the whole thing was about?
An especially esteemed guest was Buzot, whom she loved with platonic enthusiasm.