"I estimate earnings for 1988 at $9.90 a share - an increase of 27.7 percent," the analyst said.
The company raised its outlook for the fourth quarter by $10 million, estimating earnings of 21 cents a share.
In 1994, he estimates earnings of $2.15 a share, or $65 million.
"I estimate earnings for fiscal 1988 at $3.10 a share and at $3.70 the following year."
Thus, if a company's annual projected growth rate is 20 percent, it would call for paying no more than 15 times estimated earnings.
The company estimated lower earnings for the fiscal quarter that ended last week.
He estimates earnings at $8 a share for 1987 and at $9.75 for next year.
I estimate earnings for the current fiscal year at between $1.70 and $1.80 a share.
In 1990, they estimate earnings at $5.25 to $5.80 a share, not counting the acquisition of Manhattan.
For the fiscal year ending in January 1988, the publication estimates earnings at $1.30 a share.