Although a definitive answer is impossible, estimates of the extent of income mobility from fathers to sons provide a rough forecast.
These estimates provide an insight into reasonable directions of search for efficient algorithms.
Many experts say they believe estimates by the city's Housing Authority provide the best measure of the problem.
These estimates provided an average cost of $65,757 per employee per year.
Beyond the 10-year window, population survey data is lacking, but forecasts and estimates provide some understanding.
"Our new estimates provide clear evidence that consumer choice is working," Mr. Leavitt said in an interview.
Analysts said the new estimates finally provided a realistic assessment of the company's abilities.
The new estimates provide a reminder of the way assumptions about e-commerce have so quickly crumbled.
Income forecasts and estimates provide perspective regarding not only the sector's financial status but also its contribution as a key sector of the national economy.
The analysis uses two estimates of the number of workers with disabilities to provide a range of the potential benefits.