The company estimates revenues of more than $100 million by 2012.
In 1994 the company estimated gross revenues at $10 million.
Some analysts had estimated revenues of closer to $500 million.
He estimates revenues of $1.2 million for this year, and expects the company to become profitable in 2001.
Carp, which estimates revenues of $7 million this year, also has some competition.
The company estimated revenues for all 1987 at $330 million, compared with $266 million last year.
Boeing never reported what the 1989 strike cost the company, but analysts estimated lost revenues at $2.5 billion.
The law firm employs about 400 lawyers and has estimated gross revenues of $200 million.
Since then, however, the governor has not been able to reach an agreement with legislative leaders on estimating revenue.
Analysts had estimated revenue of $360 million to $380 million.