The total project value is estimated at around £100m from various sources.
The number of speakers was estimated around 1000 in 2004.
The religious group, which was estimated to number around 100 in 2008 and may have grown to several hundred by 2011.
The total cost of defending the case is estimated around $1.8 million, including the State's own legal costs.
Out of this group, Kurds are estimated to number around 500,000 people.
While the country's rate of population increase has decreased, it is estimated as still around 1.6% per year.
He wasn't very good at estimating them around that age.
Analysts estimated May sales around $5 billion, about half of what had been expected.
The number of victims is unknown, but some have estimated around 200.
A recent study in 2007 shows that the current elephant population is still estimates around 150-200.