During those two months, Howard apparently didn't write any other story, concentrating all his efforts on his novel, with an estimated output of 5,000 words per day, seven days a week.
The residence time can then be calculated using the estimated output, if that is known.
The plant is using photovoltaics and has a peak output of 250 kW and an estimated annual output of 325,000 kWh.
A team from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the United States has developed a smaller-scale with an estimated output of about 1 kW.
Calasparra II is a 6.67 MW ground-mounted unit with estimated annual output of 11.82 GWh.
In each case, the sliding mode will be the manifold where the estimated output follows the measured output with zero error (i.e., the manifold where ).
The estimated output in Euros of the three deposits is €25 billion over a 15-year period, of which €13-€14 billion will enter state coffers.
"Others, however, were less confident about the degree of restraint on prices, noting that inflation predictions based on estimated output or employment gaps were subject to considerable error."
When completed, it is expected to have a 330 MW production capacity and an estimated annual output of 1.1 TWh.
The third and most important clause stipulated that the concession-holder should pay at once to the Government five years' royalties on the estimated output of the mine.