According to her estimated rate of losses, the Mademoiselle should be now be dead, and Sun Stealer victorious.
From 1984 through 1986 property values were rising at an average estimated rate of 20 percent a year.
Chiang said he used relatively "back of the envelope" calculations to put an estimated rate for the spill at 20,000 to 100,000 barrels a day.
This is an estimated rate of consumption; any given vehicle may or may not be actually capable of traveling 100 miles on a fully charged battery.
The question, he said, is how long economic growth can continue at its current estimated annual rate of 3 percent without crossing that threshold.
The district population is growing at an estimated annual rate of 3%.
Ten-day car sales came in at an estimated annual rate of 6.2 million.
The district population was growing at an estimated annual rate of 3%, at that time.
The outcome matches the estimated rate in Figure 8.2, and this provides support for the rates for the other planets.
The current estimated rate for intersexuality is about 1 in 1500 to 1 in 2000 births.