The rich estuary system provides an abundance of shrimp, fish, crabs, and oysters that were not available to non-coastal regions prior to refrigeration.
Juvenile S. burrus are recruited to the estuary system, where with a number of other species continue a cycle of fish species throughout the year.
The study is believed to be one of the few in the world that includes the surrounding environment as an integral part of an estuary system.
The gulf is quite shallow, and its shore is broken by numerous marshes, large parts of which form an estuary system.
Pollution and fish kills in the Great Lakes, Chesapeake Bay and other estuary systems have troubled scientists for years.
Here on the Pamlico River, a major contributor in the country's third-largest estuary system, fishermen and officials cite a number of events suggesting severe environmental distress.
One population of a Washington state monitor plant species, Henderson's checker- mallow, occurs within the tidal portion of the estuary system.
The Peconics are a tidal estuary system fed at the western end by the Peconic River.
The area drained by the watershed makes the bay the fourth largest estuary system in the United States, according to the estuarium.
The species occasionally comes quite close to shore, known to inhabits lagoons for short periods, and juveniles have even been reported in a Taiwanese estuary system.