He also added color to his standard etching techniques.
The etching technique is personal and direct, but probably not that of a practised printmaker.
His etching technique was extremely fluent, and in all mediums he often repeats the same few subjects in a large number of totally different compositions.
Demonstrated etching technique in the television (HR 3), radio interviews, a great deal of newspaper reports and Museum exhibitions.
Commercial etching techniques also gradually replaced steel engraving.
During the summer of 1949 he studied modern etching techniques and printmaking with Lasansky at the University of Iowa.
He lasted there only two months, but he learned the etching technique which later proved valuable to his career.
Anisotropic etching techniques (such as deep reactive ion etching) are used in microfabrication processes to create well defined microscopic features with a high aspect ratio.
The exhibition includes both portfolios, a selection of Csoka's other graphics and explanatory material on the etching technique.
Only a few are in this show, but they reveal a strong grasp of the etching technique as a medium of light and shadow.