After declaring his eternal allegiance to King Zhou, Zhang would commit suicide by impaling himself with his sword.
The two swore eternal allegiance to one another and when at the presence of Báthory, the two pledged as well to pursue a great crusade against the Turks.
On Lepso you swore eternal allegiance and gratitude to the cult of Baalol.
Allow me to pledge my eternal allegiance.
'What about pledges of eternal allegiance?'
My eternal allegiance is to Grumman and to House Moritani.
At the same time, uhlans of the 2nd and 3rd Regiments said the following words: "We swear eternal allegiance to the sea".
His soul had already vowed eternal allegiance to this Hero whose miraculous message from space had saved his life.
Before taking power, the five great daimyos had publicly sworn eternal allegiance to the dying Taiko and to his son and his line forever.
They've all agreed to swear eternal allegiance to you and your seed.