He refocused his thoughts and breathed deeply of the oxygen in the air, resting his consciousness on the eternal forces of the universe.
History crawls along on the peg legs of small individual lives," said Frex, "and at the same time larger eternal forces converge.
The only means by which man can add years to the physical form is by going with the natural, eternal forces.
"Life is always a struggle with eternal forces," Leino said in a letter in 1925 to his friend Bertel Gripenberg.
There is a pool of eternal and original force that your mind has been clouded from.
In panentheism, God is viewed as the eternal animating force behind the universe.
According to Howard, the two male sculptures on the west signified "primal elements", and the two on the east "eternal forces", representative of the character of mining.
From a human perspective, the tide was an eternal force, but from a divine view, transitory.
Submitting yourself to the eternal forces of the Deus Irae, that which makes up the divine plan.
We are simply patterns of force eternal, marking the passage of time only by the life cycles of the suns of the galaxies.