In founding the new taip, its members pledged eternal loyalty to the Chechen nation, and hence became part of the nation.
In June 1754, the siblings met for the last time, after which Frederick swore her his eternal loyalty.
The Draken swore eternal loyalty to the Dominion and have served faithfully ever since.
The brothers reconcile, and Salacota vows eternal loyalty to his honorable twin.
"Defiant and her crew pledge eternal loyalty to the Empire."
The two 30-second TV spots are of the vignette kind, with various consumer types vowing eternal loyalty to the brand.
Though Dykstra has neither the time nor the desire to take on an expanded role, he professes his eternal loyalty to the Mets.
As she left the room, she swore eternal loyalty.
Henry clasped him to his chest; the two men swore eternal loyalty and friendship.
But listen, first you and Sudara will swear eternal loyalty to my son.