The gems that were his coronet's eternal memory flickered, the rainbows buried in their depth shimmering, and he realized that his tears had fallen on them.
He stepped into an eternal memory, so long that it resembled a magic highway extending into infinity both ways.
Nonetheless, his "belief in eternal memory is an astounding leap of faith."
The inscription says that the church was erected in 1888 at the expense of Schilizzi Stephanovik's sons "in eternal memory of their parents".
We hope that they will be comforted by his eternal fond memories.
To their eternal memory.
"To the eternal memory of Baron Trenck, the type of suicides!"
Out of gratitude, his nephew Pandoleon erects this cenotaph for his eternal memory" (Schulz 1969, p. 355).
Not for Hatred but Strength "The mourning of your deaths," the Israeli leader said, "will be kept in eternal memory in our hearts.
The Album was dedicated to the eternal memory of Yona Wallach and includes some of her recorded poems with her own voice.