The fragrance clashes with the evil ambiance of eternal misery.
Ao's offer might give her the means to spare Kelemvor that eternal misery, to rescue the Faithful from their undeserved torture, even to keep her promise to Sneakabout.
Satan intends to make man share his eternal misery in Hell in order to revenge himself on God.
We cannot be condemned to eternal misery solely because some people insist that the Amazon remain untouchable.
True, Jadis is granted her desire for strength and endless days-but she receives eternal misery, as well.
And little by little they came to see the great Christian doctrine that eternal sin must be, in the very nature of things, eternal punishment or eternal misery.
But if Jets fans think that Kotite's dismissal is the stake in the heart of the team's eternal misery, they are mistaken.
STORMBR1NGER 121 **A giant who broods in eternal misery in a great castle on me edge of the world, beyond me Sighing Desert.
In the case of the Witch, she now has her heart's desire for immortality, but it only means eternal misery because of her evil heart.
He was about ready to raise his hands and say, Amen, in the city where his demons live and lead his team out of its eternal misery on the road.