A great hotel bar celebrates the now almost unaffordable glamour of travel, its eternal promise of adventure.
And also to fulfill the eternal promise of this country, the enduring dream from that first and most-sacred covenant.
That's the eternal promise of the SimLeague: you may grow old and tired and (more than likely) stupid from staring at the computer all day, but simulated baseball never dies.
Wheeler's search for what he later called "the fantastic music of humanity's eternal promise" soon led him to New York City and to studies at the Art Students League, then with Hans Hoffman.
This Reconciliation is called one of the Bible's ultimate truths and an eternal promise that God has provided a way to heal the estranged relationship between man and himself after the fall.
The eternal promise of Back to Basics is that it will strip away the layers of self-consciousness and cleverness that get in the way of direct communication.
With this eternal promise to his Hebrews, EI-Shaddai departed, and when dawn came Zadok was at last prepared to order the small red tent to be dismantled.
Their duty was to keep the testimony, to this, they believed, was a great and eternal promise annexed.
Now sure of a right relationship with God, and with knowledge of God's eternal promise, they were free to enter into a genuinely loving relationship with God, and they love God by loving others.
Jordan Zakarin of The Hollywood Reporter described the song as a "more or less a proposition, with Bieber outlining both solid small town date ideas and eternal promises."