By the end, the piece has transcended specifics and become an expression of the eternal search for order in an anarchic world.
The act of love so recently performed there, in that bed, carried its own rhythm, born in the eternal search for the Now.
The eternal search of the Gyrgon for knowledge has been for nought.
Times have changed significantly and the Jets eternal search continues.
Beyond that they are often too wrapped up in their own eternal search to care about any kind of formal order that is not natural.
But even now the eternal search of any boxing manager worth his 33 1/3 percent is for a "white hope" heavyweight.
Now the Modern must resume its eternal search for exhibition money.
So there is this eternal search for 'the quiet life.'
Mankind will find out its own course of way in eternal search of knowledge.
For technology is simply the practical application of man's eternal search for more.