Sometime between 1895 and 1910 Dow tinted his photograph blue, making it seem to record an eternal, decorative twilight.
Like a kid with an 8:30 bedtime in the eternal twilight of summer, I can't quite bear to quit consciousness.
There was still the eternal twilight, the milky opaqueness.
You'd come to a country of eternal twilight, getting colder and darker every mile you went.
For eight days now they had been edging their way through the jungle, in the eternal twilight beneath the roof of trees.
In the eternal twilight of the maze it was impossible to read his expression.
We answer to Angvard, in his realm of eternal twilight.
The lighting, indirect and subdued, kept the office in eternal twilight.
The sun is never visible; it is eternal twilight.
Anybody would be depressed by the constant gloom and eternal twilight here.