The final surge of energy was enough to dissipate the rest of the ethereal light.
For a moment there was darkness all around except for an ethereal light that illuminated their two faces, as if they were in space.
It was shaded in the soft, ethereal white light that appeared to 6e favored by the designers of the vessel.
In its ethereal light the rocks in the Sesshu garden looked like men praying.
It is like a glowing ember in a field of ethereal lights, projecting energy and promise.
Nevertheless, an ethereal white light was coming from the second floor.
And the ethereal light of the mountaintop helps clear the brain.
Alone in an eternity of ethereal light, she reached reflexively for her chest.
Before he could say a word, facets all over the room began to glow with a faint, almost ethereal light.
Others were casting long, strange shadows in the ethereal light.