Still, his seeming ability to live on nothing but a tiny green nut or two contributes to his ethereal presence.
Cows, in all their wholesome bulk, are ethereal but unforgettable presences.
His father wouldn't look at him, staring straight ahead as Michael had, an ethereal presence that suggested he could vanish in an instant's time.
Felicity always sensed ethereal presences as coldness, no matter what the temperature truly was.
Mary is far larger than the angels, which adds to her unnatural, ethereal, heavenly presence.
At first she was merely a dim, ethereal presence, but then his eyes adjusted and her shape emerged from the cool gloom.
His subjects claimed to have a sensation of "an ethereal presence in the room."
There was a presence in the church, ethereal yet with an almost brutal strength.
He claimed that the field could produce the sensation of "an ethereal presence in the room".
And now he saw himself as if from a height, an ethereal presence watching, helpless, as his body walked toward the alley.